Scroll down in this little window to see a state by state chart of Glassic counts.
Total number of cars with VINs:
also,  see at least 45 unknown VIN cars
And a page of odds and ends pictures
with a total production of about 1620 cars
Limited edition cars, such as the T-bird replicas are
not included in these counts.

12 Alabama 20 Illinois 2 Montana 1 Rhode Island
1 Alaska 16 Indiana 3 Nebraska 8 South Carolina
18 Arizona 3 Iowa 7 Nevada 3 South Dakota
6 Arkansas 2 Kansas 8 New Hampshire 17 Tennessee
40 California 5 Kentucky 13 New Jersey 24 Texas
9 Colorado 9 Louisiana 2 New Mexico 7 Utah
9 Connecticut 2 Maine 30 New York 2 Vermont
3 Delaware 6 Maryland 18 North Carolina 11 Virginia
79 Florida 10 Massachusetts - North Dakota 10 Washington
15 Georgia 19 Michigan 17 Ohio 8 West Virginia
2 Hawaii 8 Minnesota 7 Oklahoma 13 Wisconsin
2 Idaho 10 Mississippi 5 Oregon 1 Wyoming
    19 Missouri 17 Pennsylvania    
1 Qater 2 England 6 Canada 1 Ukraine
5 Germany 1 Australia 1 Netherlands    


International: (meaning outside of the USA)
Car # listed. See the owners list for any info on file.
England -- #u003 & # 1098    Canada --# 267, # 831,  # 844, # 913,
# 1048,  # 1106,   
Qatar -- #641  & #971 Switzerland -- # 1304 Finland -- #u052, 552, 1112
Mexico -- #890  Ukraine -- #562  Bahamas -- #544
Germany ---# 835, #426, #1504, # 619, # 632, # 719
Australia -- # 582, # 1308 -- Belgium # 423, Netherlands -- # 1072, # 1472
Caribbean Netherlands-- #885  Malta -- #943